Car Parts

Signs of a Bad Car Thermostat

Your car's thermostat has the important responsibility of releasing coolant to the radiator when it reaches the rated coolant temperature. This ensures that your engine doesn't get too hot and there’s no thermal shock to the engine. When it's not functioning properly, you're running the risk of an overheated engine, or in some cases, a thermostat can stick open and won’t let the engine reach the proper operating temperature. Luckily, a replacement car thermostat is a relatively inexpensive repair. Signs of a Bad Car Thermostat Unusual Temperature Gauge Readings When you're starting up your car in the mornings, it should read as cold. As the engine has the chance to heat up, the gauge should move to the right to indicate the engine is reaching a normal running temperature. If the readings seem erratic, this could be a sign that your car thermostat is having issues. If you notice the gauge erratically moving from one end to another, this can be a sign of coolant that's being released at [...]

By |2022-09-23T09:19:52-06:00September 23rd, 2022|Car Parts, Damaged Car|0 Comments

Soft Clutch – What Does it Mean?

A soft clutch can be a clear sign that a replacement is in order. As your vehicle's clutch wears down, it may begin to feel soft and spongy when you press down on it. This inconsistent feeling is a sign that you should bring your vehicle into a shop to get it looked at. If your clutch is allowed to break down completely, your car eventually won't move. What Exactly Is a Soft Clutch? For those who have never heard the term, "soft clutch," before, it's simply a reference to a clutch that has been worn down to the point that it feels spongy, or soft, when you put pressure on it. Conversely, if the clutch pedal feels like it’s harder to push down, the pressure plate springs may be getting worn and it’s still a good idea to have a shop look at it. When you depress the clutch, it should have a consistent spring to it all the way down. If you're being met with little resistance [...]

Tips For Preventing Catalytic Converter Theft

It can be concerning to many vehicle owners to hear that catalytic converter thefts have been on the rise, especially when they're so costly to replace. This is a crime of opportunity and the key to preventing catalytic converter theft is to stop thieves from gaining easy access to this precious piece of your car's exhaust system. There are a few helpful tips below on how to protect your investment and how to make it less desirable and efficient for someone to grab your converter and resell it. What Does a Catalytic Converter Do? Catalytic converters have been designed to defend against harmful emissions by turning these pollutants into harmless gasses. There are naturally multiple issues that can arise when you try to drive without having one equipped on your vehicle. In short, catalytic converters basically act as a filter on a vehicle's exhaust system. However, it's not what the catalytic converter does that makes it so valuable to steal and flip for a profit. They're often high in [...]

By |2022-07-20T11:28:14-06:00July 20th, 2022|Car Parts, Car Tips, Houston Texas|0 Comments

Differences in Wheel Alignment – Front-End and 4-Wheel

If you've been having to fight the pull of your steering wheel while making your daily commute to work, it may be time to head in for an alignment. When a vehicle is out of alignment, drivers may notice that it begins to drift to one side or another — making for unsafe handling on the road. The question is, do you need a front-end or a 4-wheel alignment and what are the differences in wheel alignment? The type of alignment your vehicle requires depends on whether your car or truck has front-wheel or all-wheel drive. After proper alignment has been achieved, you'll have a smoother ride that may even save you money at the gas pump. Front-End Vs. 4-Wheel Alignment and Differences in Wheel Alignment The difference between front-end and 4-wheel alignment comes down to how many tires are being aligned. When a technician aligns all four wheels, it's commonly referred to as a wheel alignment or a 4-wheel alignment. If only two wheels are needing to be [...]

By |2022-06-10T11:06:24-06:00June 10th, 2022|Car Parts, Car Questions|0 Comments

Car Parts 101 – Car Chassis

We talk a lot about the inner workings of your vehicle's engine and drivetrain. We've gone over the various parts and components required to run your engine. And we have passed along a few helpful tips to help you care for and keep your car on the road. But today, we are going to talk about the foundation for your vehicle — the car chassis. What is the Car Chassis? With upwards of 30,000 parts and pieces making up your vehicle, none of that would be possible without the chassis. The chassis is a combination of many parts that act as the car's platform. They include names you may already know: The Frame Suspension Components - struts, shocks, springs, and control arms Transmission & Drive Shaft Axles Steering Gear Controls Tie Rods & other steering components But, when most folks hear "chassis," they think about the frame. Initially, cars were built on a body-on-frame construction. After the chassis was built, the vehicle's body would be fitted on top and [...]

By |2022-04-21T09:54:09-06:00April 21st, 2022|Car Parts|0 Comments

Is it the Battery, Starter, or Alternator?

When you've got places to be, but a car that won't budge, it leads to some strong feelings of frustration — and confusion! Your next question is probably, "is it the battery, starter, or alternator?" With all three having the ability to cause your engine not to start, 1/3 isn't seeming like good odds anymore. A little knowledge can go a long way in helping you diagnose the issue (and how much effort it will be to get your car going again). Car Parts 101 - The Battery, The Starter, and The Alternator While the three parts work in tandem to get your car moving, they all have separate (but equally important) roles. Car Battery Your vehicle's battery is the first spark that ignites the engine into action. Once the ignition switch is engaged (either by turning the key or pressing the start button), the battery sends voltage to the starter to help it get the gears turning. It also lets you crank the tunes without having your car [...]

The High Cost of Car Technology

Gone are the days of the most prominent technology in the car being the ability to roll down the windows. These days, cars are jam-packed with the latest in car technology advances. And it's not just for your entertainment or to enjoy a hands-free conversation on your commutes; driving functions also rely on computers and information systems. When it comes to these technological advances, we all pay for them. New cars are only getting more expensive. And with recent advancements and added-on technologies, it leads to more repairs. Those repairs can be just as costly. And with so many supply-chain issues, getting the necessary replacement parts to repair those pieces of car technology could take some time. Most Common Car Technology Repairs When it comes to vehicle technology, there is a trend. A trend of common technology repairs that we see in our shop include: Backup Camera Blind Spot Sensors Lane Assistance Bluetooth Navigation Audio Systems Performance Sensors With so many new features, it's important to do what you [...]

By |2022-02-10T14:30:29-06:00February 10th, 2022|Car Parts|0 Comments

Diesel vs. Gasoline

We all know that gasoline and diesel fuels are different. We know not to put diesel into a gas engine and vice versa. But, do we know the "whys" behind that rule? When it comes to diesel vs. gasoline, not only are the fuel types different, but the respective engine types are different. And each fuel engine comes with its benefits as well as disadvantages. Diesel vs. Gasoline Gasoline engines were invented in 1876 and were ground-breaking — but they weren't efficient. The four-stroke combustion engine only utilized 10% for the fuel, while the other 90% produced heat and burned off. So, in 1892, Rudolf Diesel created the combustion power engine (also known as the diesel engine). While gasoline engines have had many technological advances that led them to be more efficient than the original model, they operate slightly differently from their diesel engine counterparts. Diesel and Gasoline Engine Differences Both engines use internal combustion, with cylinders compressing air and fuel mixtures to create mechanical energy turned into motion [...]

By |2022-01-19T14:52:20-06:00January 19th, 2022|Car Parts, Car Questions|0 Comments

Fuel Injectors and Signs They Aren’t Working Well

We all know that we have to stop at the gas station when the gauge creeps towards empty to keep our car moving. But, do you know what happens with that fuel once it enters your vehicle? The job of distributing the gas to your engines falls on the fuel injectors. And their job is not as simple as stop and go. How Do Fuel Injectors Work? Your vehicle's injectors have the vital task of delivering fuel from your gas tank to your engine. And it all comes down to the timing. Fuel injectors inject the ideal amount of fuel into the combustion chamber at just the right time. They are commanded by the vehicle’s PCM (Powertrain Control Module) or computer. Allowing the correct mixture of air-to-fuel, creates the perfect condition for combustion and keeps your car running well. Controlled by a computer, there is one fuel injector per cylinder in modern vehicles. Initially, injectors sprayed gas into the intake manifold. Moving to your car's cylinders helps your vehicle's [...]

By |2021-10-08T10:43:43-06:00October 8th, 2021|Car Parts|0 Comments

Vehicle Oxygen Sensors – What Do They Do?

Let's talk oxygen. Not only is it vital for humans, but your car also needs it to function as well. Without the optimal oxygen ratios, your vehicle isn't going to run at its top performance levels. That's where your car's oxygen sensors come in... What Does An Oxygen Sensor Do? Oxygen sensors optimize performance and emissions by monitoring the oxygen ratios in the exhaust system and reporting the Aforementioned to the P.C.M. (vehicle’s main computer). Too much oxygen read by the oxygen sensor is a lean mixture and generates nitrogen-oxide contaminants. Extremely lean conditions may cause overheating and engine damage. The opposite is known as a rich mixture and can cause pollution and an engine that misfires or runs rough. Oxygen levels vary from outside factors like altitude, temperature, load weight, engine temperature, barometric pressure, etc. Oxygen sensors will calculate the ratio of oxygen to fuel in the exhaust and communicate that information to your car's computer. The computer will then adjust the gasoline inputs based on the balance to keep it at optimal [...]

By |2021-09-22T11:40:28-06:00September 22nd, 2021|Car Parts, Car Questions|0 Comments
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