Cooling System Maintenance
Your vehicle's cooling system is not something that comes to mind very often. However, it is an essential system to keep your vehicle functional and safe. Neglecting it can be costly in many ways, affecting your car's efficiency and possibly requiring expensive repairs (including a complete engine replacement in extreme cases). The good news is that cooling system maintenance isn't complex. You just need to know how to do it. The Vehicle Cooling System The cooling system, simply put, keeps your engine cool. It regulates the temperature of the engine to keep it from overheating or from freezing. It consists of a series of tubes that bring liquid, usually a mixture of water and antifreeze, through the whole engine block, circulating as needed by a water pump. This liquid draws heat from the engine, moving it to the radiator to be cooled before circulating back to the engine block. There is a thermostat in the cooling system that regulates the flow of coolant. When the thermostat opens, it allows the [...]