Car Tips

7 Common Car Myths Debunked

We've all heard car myths at some point in our driving life and taken them as truth (with so many people repeating them, why wouldn't you believe them). But, some of these sayings are neither true—or safe. So Which Car Myths Are True? Myth #1 - Always Top Off Your Gas Tank Wrong, so wrong. Your gas tank triggers the pump sensor when it does for a reason—it's full. First, you aren't getting any extra gas. Full gas tanks feed vapors and excess of gas back into the station's tank. Your essentially paying to refill the gas station's tank. Secondly, it's bad for your car. Topping off sends excess in fuel and vapor into the vapor collection system, overriding and damaging the canister over time. The next time your at the gas station, avoid topping it off. You aren't getting any more gas and your just dealing damage to the system. Myth #2 - Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles Yes, if your car is from 1973. No, for modern cars. Today's cars can go [...]

By |2018-03-08T12:41:31-06:00March 8th, 2018|Car Questions, Car Tips|1 Comment

Getting Your Car Ready for Spring

You may not have noticed yet, but it's March! With March comes warmer temperatures, spring flowers and the annual desire for deep cleaning. This need for cleanliness and order should extend to your car as well. After all, it put in lots of work this winter. But, what does getting your car ready for spring require? Helping Your Car Recover from Winter Winter is hard on your vehicle. From corrosive salts to terrible road conditions to road damage during the winter season, the colder months aren't kind on cars. Wash the Salt Off Salt, the corrosive enemy of your metal vehicle. Frequent washings during the winter months are the key to avoiding salt damage, but another good wash and wax going into Spring helps as well. Pay particular attention to the underside of your vehicle including the tires, wheel wells and all the areas you can reach underneath. While some areas don't require soap, a good soaking and spray assists in removing the built up winter grime. Check the Brakes Your brakes need some love [...]

Driving Tips for Teens (and Their Parents)

Getting your learner's permit at 15 and your license at 16 is a part of growing up in America. It's a right of passage, your first taste of real freedom. But, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. Car crashes remain the leading cause of death for teens. Fortunately, it's all preventable by following these safety and driving tips for teens. Driving Tips for Teens Keep the Phone in Your Backpack or Purse Or better yet, out of reach in the back seat on silent. Remember when we mentioned car crashes were a leading cause of death for teens? Well, texting causes the majority of those teen car crashes. Additionally, it may be illegal. With more research showing texting and driving the equivalent of drunk driving, states are starting to prohibit cell phones while driving. Keep it safe, keep it silent and keep it stowed. Drive Alone It may seem boring, but it is safer. While not a lasting rule, this is ideal for newly minted drivers. Even one passenger is distracting. They like chatting, asking questions, [...]

By |2018-02-22T09:28:46-06:00February 22nd, 2018|Car Questions, Car Tips|0 Comments

7 Bad Car Habits You Need To Stop Doing

We are all guilty of a few bad habits, from smoking to biting your nails to leaving the lights on when you leave the house. And your car is no different. Here are a few bad car habits you need to stop — and soon. 1. Sudden Shifting You reverse out of a spot and without slowing, immediately put it into drive and go on your merry way. Stop. Over time, these sudden directional changes wreak havoc on your drivetrain from the engine to the transmission to your axles. Take the extra three seconds. Completely stop before going forward. 2. Flooring It (and Than Quickly Braking) We are all guilty. At some point, everyone has hit a wide-open stretch and gunned it. While its fun (and relatively harmless) every once in awhile, doing it all the time is one bad car habit you need to stop. Inevitably after gunning it, slamming the brakes follows. Neither is great. Fast acceleration burns fuel, but also puts a massive, sudden load on the drivetrain. Braking quickly causes wear [...]

By |2018-02-16T11:25:19-06:00February 16th, 2018|Car Service & Maintenance, Car Tips|1 Comment

10 Car Hacks, Tricks and Tips

Make your journey a little safer, more comfortable and more stylish with these car hacks, tricks, and tips. 1. Clean Your Headlights with Toothpaste Place the toothpaste on a soft, nonabrasive cloth and buff. Not only will your car look like new, but you'll also be able to see again too. 2. Cool the Car Without A/C The dreaded Texas summer sun just turned your car into a sauna. Cool the car off quick—without cranking the A/C (and wasting gas). Roll down one window and on the other side of car, open and close the door a few times. The movement forces the hot, stagnant air through the door, filling the car with colder air through the window. 3. Turn on the A/C while Defrosting the Windshield A/C air is dry. Frost is moist. Designers took notice, so new cars do this automatically, but not older cars. Crank the A/C as warm as it will go and watch the dry, warm air do work. 4. Rubberbands - The Free Car Phone Stands Thread the rubber [...]

By |2018-02-02T09:47:23-06:00February 2nd, 2018|Auto Care, Car Tips|0 Comments

9 Tips to Save Gas and Money

Commuting and traveling are now apart of our everyday routines. But, overspending on gas doesn't have to be. Here are nine tips to save gas and save you money. 1. Slow Down It's the simplest tip we have—just slow down. Driving fast increases drag, which increases fuel consumption. Instead of going 5-10 mph over, go the speed limit. Can't be trusted to stop cruising in the left lane? Set your cruise control. In fact, keeping a consistent speed saves your gas and wallet. 2. Drive Smooth Aggressive driving will cost you. Sure, it's tempting to peel away at the green light, but that sudden acceleration burns through the gas. And, same goes for aggressive braking. How much will driving like Grandma save you? A test done by found that accelerating and braking gradually saved a Land Rover 35% in gas consumption and a Mustang 27%. It's worth it. 3. Keep Your Tires Inflated Not only does it reduce wear on your tires, but it also saves you money. Proper inflation reduces "rolling resistance," which [...]

By |2018-01-18T12:39:27-06:00January 18th, 2018|Car Tips|1 Comment
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