Safety Tips for Driving at Night
The seasons are changing. This also means you should be thinking about how this affects your car and your driving. Now that it becomes darker earlier than in the summer months, we find ourselves driving in the dark more often. It’s true that it’s more dangerous than driving in the daytime. Even if you are a good driver, there are always new tips that you might find useful when driving after the sun goes down. 7 Safety Tips for Driving in the Dark 1. Use Your Headlights You should be using your headlights as soon as the sun starts to set. But, when was the last time that you checked to make sure they were operating correctly? A burned-out headlight looks more like a motorcycle than a car to other on the road. It could confuse other drivers and put you in danger. It may also be tempting to drive with your high beams on because you can see better. However, this is far more dangerous for everyone on [...]