6 Safe Driving Tips You Shouldn’t Forget
Sure, it's been a few years (or decades) since you took your driver's license test. But, that doesn't mean you should forget all the rules and driving tips! Actually, quite the opposite. While at the time it may have seemed like the obstacle in the way of your freedom, the driver's test prepares you for the road. Here are a few things you should always remember from your driver's test that will help you stay safe on the road. Safe Driving Tips You Shouldn't Forget They range from remembering signals, to proper following distances and the classic "put the phone down." But, all of these tips for driving safely help you (and those around you) arrive to your destinations accident-free. Tip #1 - Follow Proper Spacing Rules It's time to stop tailgating. Not only will it not get you there faster, but it also makes everyone around you angry, and it inhibits your ability to stop in time. So what's a reasonable distance? Follow the three-second rule. You should be (at the minimum) three seconds [...]