Auto Blog

6 Safe Driving Tips You Shouldn’t Forget

Sure, it's been a few years (or decades) since you took your driver's license test. But, that doesn't mean you should forget all the rules and driving tips! Actually, quite the opposite. While at the time it may have seemed like the obstacle in the way of your freedom, the driver's test prepares you for the road. Here are a few things you should always remember from your driver's test that will help you stay safe on the road. Safe Driving Tips You Shouldn't Forget They range from remembering signals, to proper following distances and the classic "put the phone down." But, all of these tips for driving safely help you (and those around you) arrive to your destinations accident-free. Tip #1 - Follow Proper Spacing Rules It's time to stop tailgating. Not only will it not get you there faster, but it also makes everyone around you angry, and it inhibits your ability to stop in time. So what's a reasonable distance? Follow the three-second rule. You should be (at the minimum) three seconds [...]

By |2018-05-22T09:16:02-06:00May 22nd, 2018|Car Tips|2 Comments

5 Summer Car Tips

Welcome to Texas—it's hot, really hot! While Texas may cool off during the winter, once summer hits expect temperatures to start hitting 100-degrees. While you can take shelter in your home, your car cannot. Unfortunately, all that heat deals damage to your vehicle. So, what can you do to prepare your car for the summer heat? Protecting Your Car from the Heat & Summer Car Tips Just how hot can your car get during Summers in Texas? If it's 102-degrees outside, the interior can escalate to 160-degrees! No wonder heat is one of the biggest environmental concerns for vehicles. Here are some summer car tips to keep your vehicle cool in the hot weather. Tip #1 - Check Your Coolant System Regularly Keeping your car cool isn't just a luxury, it's a requirement. Your cooling systems works overtime during the summer to keep your engine cool and prevent overheating. What should you look out for with your cooling system? For starters, always keep your coolant level topped off. Get an oil change to keep built-up [...]

By |2018-05-10T09:50:49-06:00May 10th, 2018|Auto Care, Car Tips|2 Comments

Drive Belts 101 — What They Do and Signs of a Failing Belt

Ever wonder what's responsible for transferring power and timing in your engine? The answer is drive belts. Whether a multi-belt system or a singular belt, without them your car doesn't function. Different Types of Belts in Cars V-Belt System Found in older vehicles, the v-belt system uses multiple belts coming off a single crankshaft to drive and transfer power to most major components. They act together as a transmission belt, forcing power to the alternator, hydraulic steering, cooling systems and more. Drive belts got the "V-Belt" name because of the way the teeth in the rubber belt are grooved, forming a line of v's. The v-belt system tapered out as the multi-belt system comes with more disadvantages than a one-belt system including: harder to tension correctly rotation of the pulley under hard strain more expensive as they tend to wear and fail at once Serpentine Drive Belts The most common belt in the modern car and responsible for most of the functions in your vehicle, the Serpentine Belt replaced the multi-belt V-belt system. The serpentine [...]

By |2018-05-01T09:18:31-06:00May 1st, 2018|Car Questions|0 Comments

Tips for Buying a Used Car

New cars are expensive, and they only cost more every year. With high prices, many drivers turn to buying a used car. But, finding a problem-free, reliable used car isn't always straightforward. Just because someone says it was "well-loved" doesn't mean they put love and maintenance into it. Here are a few tips and things to look for when looking at used cars. Tips for Buying a Used Car With all the scammers and bad deals on the market, it's your job not to fall prey. How? Prepare ahead of time and know what to look for when buying used cars. Do Your Research Before ever laying eyes on a car, do your homework. Here's a list of things to know before going in: What's the fair price for that particular car in that condition? One place to start would be Kelley Blue Book or researching dealer prices online. What do other owners say about that make, model and year? Are they known for lasting a long time? Does the transmission regularly fail at a certain [...]

By |2018-04-26T12:49:43-06:00April 26th, 2018|Car Questions, Car Tips|0 Comments

Roadside Safety — What to Do When Your Car Breaks Down

Well, your car broke down. Now what? Hopefully, you are already on the side of the road, but even there isn't necessarily safe. Here are a few tips for staying safe when your car breaks down. Preventing Car Break Downs The first step of roadside safety? Avoid it! Many breakdowns are preventable with proper maintenance and general car care. Money woes stopping you from performing regular maintenance? Remember, repairs post-breakdown are far more expensive than a 5-month check-up. Driving and feel something funny? Instead of waiting for it to truly go South in the middle of the highway, pull off at the next exit. Stopping at the parking lot of a gas station or rest stop are safer options than the side or shoulder of the road. Plus, it's easier and better for service vehicles as well. Roadside Safety Tips After your car breaks down, it's hard to be in a "safety-first" mindset. But, that's exactly where your mind needs to be. Move Off the Road Seems like a no-brainer, but some folks don't move [...]

Preventable Car Problems & How to Avoid Them

It's never a good feeling when you notice something is wrong with your trusty steed. Maybe it's starting rougher than usual. Or making some pretty strange noises. Perhaps it even smells different. Whatever the problem with your car, your stomach drops and you start doing the math of what you can afford in repair costs. But, many common issues are preventable car problems. That's right, a little work now (or yesterday) could save you BIG in the future. Preventable Car Problems It's true; you cannot plan and prevent everything. Eventually, your clutch will wear, or your brakes will need replacing. But, there are some problems you can avoid with proper car care and maintenance. 1. Rust Issues Salt means rust, whether it's from the ocean or from deicing the roads. And while you may think your car is dirty at the end of the winter—it's covered in corrosive salt and sand. Regular car washes prevent rust. Short on time? Give it a quick spray, paying particular attention to the undercarriage and wheel wells to hold [...]

By |2018-03-30T15:01:28-06:00April 10th, 2018|Auto Care, Car Tips, Damaged Car|0 Comments

Car Steering Problems You Shouldn’t Be Ignoring & Their Causes

If you cannot steer it, you won't get there, making car steering problems a high priority fix. But, diagnosing isn't always easy with steering issues manifesting in noises, sensations, and changes from the norm. Let's take a closer look at the underlying problems behind common car steering issue. How Car Steering Systems Work Starting from square one gives you a better understanding of what's going on under the hood—and behind the wheel. Your car's steering system takes the rotation from the wheel and passes that movement through series of sockets and joints. The precise adjustment of these joints allows the wheel to move in unison and at the appropriate angles to make maneuvers. For example, when make a left turn your left wheel turns at a sharper angle than the right, in order to make the turn faster. This is all set up by the movement allowed in the sockets in relation to the angle of the steering wheel. These joints also work with the suspension to allow directional changes without moving up and down. [...]

By |2018-04-05T07:55:59-06:00April 5th, 2018|Car Questions, Damaged Car|0 Comments

Car Cooling Systems: How They Work & Signs They Are Failing

Surprise! Your car doesn't just work on keeping you cool; it works on keeping itself cool. Your vehicle's cooling system has the significant responsibility of keeping your engine and car from overheating. But, how do cooling systems work and why are they necessary? How Cooling Systems Work Everytime the spark plugs ignite the engine's fuel, creating propulsion and motion, it's a tiny explosion. Explosions generate heat, and with 4,000 explosions per minute, while traveling 50mph, things heat up quickly. Even with all the advancements in car technology, heat continues being a by-product of motion. Two cooling systems exist in the car world: liquid and air. However, liquid cooling dominates with air cooling being found only in motorcycles and older model of cars. But, how do liquid cooling systems cool down cars? Liquid coolant flows through tubes in the engine, capturing and absorbing heat from other components until it reaches the radiator. The radiator uses air, forcing it through the grill cooling the coolant. Once the coolant cools, it returns to flow through your engine, absorbing [...]

By |2018-03-22T09:46:33-06:00March 22nd, 2018|Car Questions|2 Comments

7 Common Car Myths Debunked

We've all heard car myths at some point in our driving life and taken them as truth (with so many people repeating them, why wouldn't you believe them). But, some of these sayings are neither true—or safe. So Which Car Myths Are True? Myth #1 - Always Top Off Your Gas Tank Wrong, so wrong. Your gas tank triggers the pump sensor when it does for a reason—it's full. First, you aren't getting any extra gas. Full gas tanks feed vapors and excess of gas back into the station's tank. Your essentially paying to refill the gas station's tank. Secondly, it's bad for your car. Topping off sends excess in fuel and vapor into the vapor collection system, overriding and damaging the canister over time. The next time your at the gas station, avoid topping it off. You aren't getting any more gas and your just dealing damage to the system. Myth #2 - Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles Yes, if your car is from 1973. No, for modern cars. Today's cars can go [...]

By |2018-03-08T12:41:31-06:00March 8th, 2018|Car Questions, Car Tips|1 Comment

Getting Your Car Ready for Spring

You may not have noticed yet, but it's March! With March comes warmer temperatures, spring flowers and the annual desire for deep cleaning. This need for cleanliness and order should extend to your car as well. After all, it put in lots of work this winter. But, what does getting your car ready for spring require? Helping Your Car Recover from Winter Winter is hard on your vehicle. From corrosive salts to terrible road conditions to road damage during the winter season, the colder months aren't kind on cars. Wash the Salt Off Salt, the corrosive enemy of your metal vehicle. Frequent washings during the winter months are the key to avoiding salt damage, but another good wash and wax going into Spring helps as well. Pay particular attention to the underside of your vehicle including the tires, wheel wells and all the areas you can reach underneath. While some areas don't require soap, a good soaking and spray assists in removing the built up winter grime. Check the Brakes Your brakes need some love [...]

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