Monthly Archives: July 2023

Keeping Your Car’s Value High

We've all heard that driving your car off the lot immediately makes the vehicle lose value. But that doesn't mean you should stop caring about keeping your car's value up.    Why?   Because many of the things that protect your car's value also protect your vehicle. Regular maintenance of the body and engine will keep your vehicle on the road for years. And nothing says value more than a properly running car.   Whether you plan to sell your car soon or want to keep it in the best condition, here are some tips to help you protect your car's value. Tips for Keeping Your Car's Value High It's all about putting in a little effort to avoid big actions (like repairs). Remember, your car's value is tied to the health of your vehicle — and an unhealthy car is pretty useless. Regular Maintenance Routine maintenance is crucial for maintaining your car's value. Follow the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule, including oil changes, filter replacements, and fluid checks. If [...]

Protecting Your Car from the Elements

Your car is not just a means of transportation; it's an investment that requires proper care and maintenance. One of the key aspects of car maintenance is protecting your car from the elements. Rain, sun, dust, and pollutants can affect your vehicle's appearance and condition — and value. By following some essential tips and investing in the right protective measures, you can ensure your car stays pristine for years. Protecting Your Car from the Elements - Car Exterior Maintenance Tips While many of these tips are aimed at keeping your car's appearance in great shape, they can also help keep it in the best working condition. Regular Washing and Waxing Frequent washing of your car's exterior is essential to remove dirt, debris, and contaminants that can cause damage over time. Use a high-quality car shampoo, soft microfiber cloths, and a non-abrasive sponge to avoid scratches. After washing, apply a coat of wax to create a protective barrier against UV rays and other environmental elements. Paint Protection Film Consider applying [...]

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