What Your Tire Tread is Telling You
Tires can be windows to the health of your car—if you know how to look. Some may find this hard to believe. But, tires are sensitive. They begin to wear differently if something isn't right, which means your tire tread is trying to tell you something. This can include inflation issues, issues with your driving, alignment problems and even problems in your suspension or brake systems. Center Tire Tread Wear Take a peek at your tires. If you see the center strip of your tire is more worn than the sides or edges of the tire that means your tire is overinflated. Overinflation causes tires to bulge in the center, meaning this is the spot on the tire connecting the most with the road. It is important to follow your tires' and car's recommended psi. The recommended tire psi can be found on the outer wall of your tire, on a sticker found inside the front passenger door or in your owner's manual. Side/Shoulder Tire Tread Wear If your tires are showing wear on the [...]