Can Towing Hurt Your Vehicle?

From family road trips to moving furniture to needing a trailer for working purposes — most folks will find themselves towing something sometime in their lives. This leads us to the question: Is towing bad for your car? And the answer is, maybe. The severity of the damages range from expected wear to catastrophic depending on 1) your vehicle's towing capacity and 2) what you are towing. So, let's take a deeper dive into that question. Can Towing Hurt Your Vehicle? Towing causes additional strain on your vehicle, from the engine to your brakes. So, it will slowly wear on your engine over time, no matter your vehicle or trailer. However, some big things will lead to faster wear and more substantial damage. Towing with an Underpowered Car While your car is a machine, it doesn't mean that you can expect the world of it, and it just happens. When towing an RV or trailer, you want to make sure it's something your car's engine and transmission can handle. [...]